Patch PES 2017 Terbaru dari PESMods V4.0

Patch PES 2017 Terbaru dari PESMods V4.0 – Berbeda dari patch yang lain, patch PES 2017 ini lebih fokus ke Liga Turki. Untuk fitur lainnya, sob bisa lihat di bawah.

- All teams in the competition are licensed.
- 16/17 form of all teams added.
- Added STSL, TFF and Bundesliga (Jersey, Top, Manager, Squad)
- Added 30 teams from other Champions League and European leagues to other European teams.
- 41 Added grain rank. (10 from TR)
- Added Turkish stadiums: TT Arena, Ulker Arena, Vodafone Arena, Akyazı Arena, Timsah Arena, Konya Arena, Antalya Arena, Kadir Has Stadium, Ottoman Stadium,  Manisa 19 Mayis Stadium.
- Many stats and outlooks from Europe were added.
- Choreography has been added to all STSL teams. The choreography of the Turkish teams which are in the stadium will appear in their stadium.
- Added coaches.
- Nearly 1300 faces were added.
- Each league has its own ball added.
- Stsl, Tff and Ztk have been updated with current advertising boards.
- STSL teams have been added to the form 4'er.
- STSL was founded on the Italian league. The structure of the plate and league was changed.
- 2 teams in the Turkish league fell out of the problem was eliminated. The first 2 teams of the 1st league are coming out directly. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th.
- The first 2 teams in the Turkish league are set to go to the Champions League with 3 teams going to the European League.
- Transfer between circuits has been added.
- Legend has been added along with player faces and minifacelles.
- Miniface was added to all STSL tools.
- Added PesMods scoreboard (This score is the same as the beinsports scoreboard.Seven PesMods has been added to the corner and also turns into Tivibu in the Champions League)
- Besiktas added to the manifestation.
- Added 100 new crampons.
- Turkish national anthem and many country anthem added.
- Added 50 balls.
- 50 goalkeeper's eldiveni added.
- HD Logs added to all teams.
- Added SweetFX (works with Scroll Lock).
- Added press meeting rooms.
- Added a key press to all STSL teams and many players.
- PS 3 Button added.
- 4 Magnets menu graphics and intro added.
- Menu pictures added to important teams.
- 402 Grain tattoo added.
- Added power bar.
- Attendance removal added.
- Text font added.
- Added Hd grass, Torch and Color card.
- Referee form added (Stsl, Tff)
- Snow mode added (Yagan - Duran)
- 3 intro added.
- Form Logo, Face Logo and National logos added.
- 3 Greats menu music, Foreign and Inside menu music added.
- 16-scoreboard was added. (Bear Sports, Trt, Real Madrid TV, Fife)

Patch PES 2017 Terbaru dari PESMods V4.0

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